Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Canine Distemper


  • Contagious disease that appears suddenly (acute) or over a moderate amount of time (known as “ subacute”), characterized by fever and a variety of signs involving the eyes, central nervous system, and respiratory, urogenital, and gastrointestinal tracts; often a fatal disease
  • Caused by the canine distemper virus
  • Affects many different species of the order Carnivora; mortality rate varies greatly among species
Signalment/Description of Animal
Species :
  • Most species of the order Carnivora—including dogs, fox, wolves, hyenas, weasels, ferrets, mink, raccoons, skunks, and civets
  • Large cats in Californian zoos and in Tanzania
Mean Age and Range : Young animals are more susceptible to infection than are adults

Signs/Observed Changes in the Animal

Alopecia in Dogs
  • “Alopecia” is the medical term for hair loss
  • Hair loss is a common disorder in dogs
  • Characterized by a complete or partial lack of hair in areas where it is present normally
  • Pattern of hair loss—varied or symmetrical
  • May be the primary problem or a secondary phenomenon
Signament/Description of Animal
Species : Dogs

Signs/Observed Change in the Animal

Alopecia in Cats

  • Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss
  • Hair loss is a common problem in cats
  • Characterizwd by a complete or partial lack of hair in areas where it is present normally
  • Pattern of hair loss-Varied or symmetrical